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domingo, 10 de maio de 2020

International Heritage Film Festival

Η εικόνα ίσως περιέχει: νύχτα, πιθανό κείμενο που λέει "1 ERITALES INTERNATIONAL HERITAGE FILM FESTIVAL"

HERITALES - International Heritage Film Festival - is a cultural project that
seeks to disseminate narratives of material and immaterial heritage.
Of the many ways to achieve this, Heritales relies mainly on the seventh art of
the cinema while also promoting other artistic forms such as photography,
interactive media, games, theater and performances.
The project encourages cultural sustainability by promoting a broad interpretation
of what can be understood as cultural heritage, fostering new ways of education, international scientific collaboration, encouraging intercultural dialogue and
outreach to an international audience.

The theme of this fourth edition 2020 is: “Education, diversity and community”. This year Heritales  will bring together films, documentaries and other artistic works. It will explore cultural diversity and education as ways to promote the sustainability of cultures and placescommunities and ecosystems. Over the course of three months, more than 20 films will be available for viewing and voting on-line, and it will promote live sessions in various international spaces. The culmination of the festival is celebrated with an award ceremony in Lisbon in the last week of September. As part of the event, a three-day residency will be organized for the directors of the selected works. During this period, workshops and debates will take place as well as films projections for the general public.

In this fourth edition, Heritales has partnered with the UNESCO Chair in Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity at the Lusófona University of Lisbon which will award the prizes. Finally Heritales has partnered once again with the General-Directorate for Cultural Heritage Portugal (DGPC)which will offer the site for the award ceremony.

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